During Tom's vacation time, he's decided to finally work on his "man cave". This will be his music room... a room to play, record and teach. Together Tom and I painted the old baby blue walls & ceiling a nice gray green and painted the trim a purplish brown; we tore up the old carpet, installed a new faux wood floor, installed a new light fixture and new blinds. In this picture Tom is expressing how much he loves painting!

He asked his cousin, Aaron, to come help with a built-in wall cabinet. This will be a cabinet to house all of his guitar mags, books, cds, etc. and will also frame a new flat screen TV.

This dangerous pair have been outside in the heat "working" for hours today... the cabinet (which I'm not allowed to photograph until it is completed) is starting to take shape.

We are hoping for a finished project by Labor Day. So far we are on schedule.
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