This one is fuzzy but Tom had his revenge - finally a picture of me passed out with the baby and the dogs. Sometimes it's easier just to fall asleep on the couch together than to attempt to put her in the bassinet.
We had our "one month" appointment today but really Maddie is almost six weeks old. She's gained 2 lbs since birth (weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz) and added over 2 inches (measuring 23.5 inches). This puts her in the 50th percentile for weight but the 90th percentile for length. As a side note - the head is in the 50th percentile - no competition with her cousin Bailey's big head.
The doc says she's going to be long and lean - didn't get that from the short and stout Tom and Michelle! Check out how she waves with her toes in this picture!
Chubby cheeks (with dimples)!
Chilling in my hammock from Aunt Kim. Notice the facial expression... little Miss Attitude says "Umm humm, what you looking at?" She apparently got the attitude from Kim too... ha ha ;-)

1 comment:
That's my girl!!! ok...gotta come back up and see her again....just to adorable!!!! Lovin' that outfit Michelle!
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