Hershey Park opens up a portion of the park during November & December and calls it "Christmas Candylane". Basically all the kiddie rides are open and everything is decorated for the holidays, and there are light shows and other entertainment & shopping. We decided to check it out and see if it could be something to start as a little family holiday tradition. Knowing that Maddie would still be too young for most of the rides, we asked Mandy & Austin if they wanted to take Bailey because we were pretty sure she would love the rides.
Here we are in front of the gorgeous Christmas tree inside Chocolate World. We did the chocolate-making tour ride and Maddie really enjoyed it. She had a wide-eyed stare at all the different screens and talking cows and the lights.
Maddie wasn't sure what to make of the characters, but at least she didn't freak out.
Loved the carousel! She smiled and laughed as we passed the crowd of people in line.
Trying to teach her to wave... not much luck with that yet.
Waiting in line.
The train ride was our favorite.

This ride moved a little too fast for Maddie so we let Mandy & Bailey go themselves.
You can't really see us, but Maddie and I are in the seat behind Mandy & Bailey on this one. The rides are so tiny to accomodate the little people - so we had to squeeze in tight. This is why you don't see any pictures of Austin or Tom getting on the rides.
Maddie was too little to ride alone... maybe next year. Bailey was all smiles on this one.
I think we will come back again next year with a couple conditions... come earlier while the weather is a little warmer and stay long enough for the light shows. The whole thing only cost us around $25 for the tickets, parking & hot chocolate. Not bad at all!

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