Wednesday, April 15, 2009

32 weeks

We are just over 32 weeks... Hard to believe that Maddie will be here in less than two months and I am not even close to being ready. We do have the crib up and it is gorgeous. I really hope she loves it. Once the room is done with the rest of the furniture, I'll post pics of it.
We had our first childbirth class at the hospital last night. It was educational but also fun. A really good bonding experience for us. ("Hey babe... wanna feel my fundus?") I like that the class was taught by one of the OB nurses that we are likely going to see during our labor/delivery experience. Two more childbirth classes and then we'll have childcare classes - where we'll learn infant CPR & other safety information as well as Tom will get a chance to learn how to change a diaper... can't wait for that!
We have a pretty busy weekend coming up, so the next couple of evenings are going to be spent relaxing at home. I have a lot of trouble sleeping so getting some rest in the evening is the only way I can get out of bed on time the next morning. It's even more difficult when the puggies are so sleepy and cuddly in the morning and the weather is so ugly outside. I need some sunshine to get some of my energy back.

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