Monday, December 15, 2008
Over the Weekend
On Saturday morning I got ready for our weekend visitors - Mandy, Austin & Bailey would be coming to stay and Josh & Jess would be coming for the day for our "Game Night". We get together every 2-3 months to have a themed dinner and play games. We made homemade pizzas (including dessert pizzas) and played Yahtzee! (a first for game night), Dirty Minds (actually a really boring game) and some card games like Scat! and Pass the Trash. We also ventured into the hot tub but I pushed a wrong button earlier in the day that turned the heat off so the temperature had dropped a little too low to be comfortable. Oh well... maybe next time.
On Sunday we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Our 1 star waitress was terrible but the food was good. And then we ventured to Towson for more Christmas shopping. The boys took Bailey - I'm sure they looked like the perfect little couple strolling a baby through the mall - and Mandy and I did some shopping but then treated ourselves to mani's and pedi's. A great idea after walking for so many hours.
The rest of the evening was spent relaxing (that is, after a half hour of trying to find where Bailey hid Austin's keys) and playing more Yahtzee! It was a really fun weekend. The only problem is that now I have this song stuck in my head and I keep singing it while Tom looks at me like I'm crazy...
"I am going on a trip... in my favorite rocket ship...
Flying through the air... Little Einsteins!"
Thanks Bailey Boo! Click Here to Read More..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Whoosh whoosh whoosh
This is good because I am so ready for Thanksgiving! Turkey day is my favorite holiday... what other holiday are there no expectations except to eat and be lazy?! I'm also glad I'm feeling better because I plan on fighting those crowds on Friday. I haven't missed Black Friday shopping since I was 18 and I don't plan on missing this year either! Besides, this year it is actually convenient... when I get up at 3 a.m. for my normal refrigerator run and bathroom break, I'll just throw on some clothes and hit the door!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Michelle Click Here to Read More..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekly Update

Friday, November 14, 2008
Last Weekend...
On Saturday we went to the birthday party of Tom's goddaughter, Jordyn, who turned 3. As soon as we walked in, we realized we forgot the one accessory that every other parent brought... a screaming child with a sugar high. There were about a dozen or so kids between the ages of 1 to 5... this was the same number as the adults and yet we felt very outnumbered. Jordyn was adorable and very well-behaved considering the surroundings. One little piece of information we are going to store away for the day we have a dozen kids running in the backyard - the moon bounce is a HUGE attention getter and keeper. Those kids would have stayed in there all day if they could have. Despite the mayheim, we want to wish little Jordy a very happy birthday!!! We love you sweetie!!
On Sunday we went to another birthday party. This one for our goddaughter and niece, Bailey, who turned 1. A much different scene as there were only two other children (my nieces Shawna & Elizabeth) and a 5-month old friend who were there with the 25 adults to help Bailey celebrate. My sister and brother-in-law (Mandy & Austin) had prepared a really neat picture and video slideshow that we watched while we ate. It was crazy to realize how much Bailey had grown and matured (weird description for a baby - but it's true) in just one short year. Bailey had no idea what to do with her little cake so she just stared at the icing on her hands like it was really icky. Give her a few years and she will appreciate the value of cake & ice cream!! Bailey's favorite gifts were a talking Elmo that made her laugh, books - she absolutely loves books, and her baby Einstein videos that she immediately recognized the music and got up to clap and dance. Bailey is such a doll. I got to spend time playing with her and her new toys while Mandy cleaned up the party - what a treat! We love you little munchkin!!
We are counting down the weeks until we have our own little one to introduce to "her" cousins and friends... (FYI: I'll probably switch between him and her until we actually know the sex). But until then, we'll just continue keeping notes - which will inevitably be thrown out the window once we actually have a child. And I will continue in my current state of "Prego Hangover" - nauseus, headachey & moody, exhausted & throwing up every day. Good times! Click Here to Read More..
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Big News!

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Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Joe Satriani - Ram's Head Live October 22, 2008

Here's the setlist
I Just Want to Rock
Overdriver (I think)
Satch Boogie
Ice Nine
Flying in Blue Dream
Super Collossal
One Big Rush
Cool #9
(Not sure)
Stu's bass solo
Always With Me, Always With You
Surfing With The Alien
Crowd Chant
Summer Song
(encore - With Leslie West)
Birthday Blues/Stormy Monday
Goin' Down
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pug Tongue
Monday, September 29, 2008
St. Lucia
It seems impossible to have such an incredible week and then have to come home to rainy cold weather. I'll be counting down the months until next summer and my next opportunity to lay on a beach with a cold beverage and a good book.
Hellish Rock 07/08 Helloween - September 23, 2008 - Ram's Head Live!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Lenny's Surgery
Lenny had to go to the vet for surgery today. Many of you know that some of his nicknames are "Mr. SnaggleTooth" and "Mr. StinkyBreath". Well, at his last vet visit a few weeks ago, the decision was finally made that he definitely needed some dental work. To what extent, we weren't sure b/c Lenny hates having his mouth touched and the only way to survey the damage would be to put him under general anesthesia. In addition, Lenny developed a lump of fatty tissue on his underbelly about 2 months ago and we elected to have it removed (even though the vet thought it was fine) since he would already be asleep and we didn't want to put him through a second surgery a year from now.
So after tons of snuggling and dozens of hugs and kisses and having Mommy sing him his favorite song ("Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon), he marched to the vet's office in true "General" fashion. He was out for several hours, had 14 teeth pulled, the rest were sandblasted, the lump was removed, a mole at his ear and the mole on his upper lip were removed. He is currently recovering and most likely enjoying the painkillers. I'm sure he'll be back on his feet soon enough - scanning the perimeter of the yard, barking at anyone that passes by the front window of the house, and humping the life out of his stuffed doggie.
He will remain Mr. Snaggletooth (with the few teeth he has left) but hopefully no more Mr. StinkyBreath.
So my words of wisdom for all you dog owners out there... start brushing those teeth early! Get them used to you sticking your hands in their mouth and touching their teeth! If it's part of their routine, it is sooo much easier... the same with cleaning those ears and clipping the nails.
Click Here to Read More..
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Pugs - Zoey and Lenny
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Last Big Party of Summer 2008
1. Need to establish "House Rules" for beer pong. Lots of confusion here... still not sure what the issue is but apparently some are more competitive than others... Isn't the object of the game to just have a backdrop for drinking?
2. Need to enforce age limit on Slip 'N Slide. Although this can be entertaining for people of all ages (when used properly), the object of the slip 'n slide was for the little ones who are too small to be in the pool with the big kids but still have fun getting wet... when not enforced it is (1) too dangerous for bigger kids and (2) I'll be nursing my grass back to health till next spring. ugh!
3. Obtain extra gladware to distribute leftovers... If I see another baked bean or macaroni, I might just go into convulsions. And we all know that I didn't need half a 7-up cake to finish off myself... a score for the tastebuds but negative score for the thighs. (No, I didn't actually finish it all off... just a piece... okay, two pieces.)
4. CAMERA?! Didn't realize until much too late that I never got the camera out... thus no pictures in the post or to add to snapfish, facebook, myspace, etc. (although... this means one less thing to do!)
Well, that's a summary of some of the lessons that we'll have to incorporate into next summer's parties. For this year, the pool will only be open a few more weeks... and the Tiki Bar will close shortly after... and then the holidays will be here. How depressing! Click Here to Read More..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Concert List
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